Ryan 17th January 2018

I spent much of my childhood seeing Peter, me and my dad Kenny Petford would run out of things to do at the weekend so we would say right time to go and annoy Peter. I remember countless times buzzing his door until he got bored of ignoring us, then out of the speaker you would hear, "go away I'm not in today". Then eventually he would feel sorry for us and let us in. The memories of our times on various ski resorts will last with me for ever, the constant bickering between my dad and Pete would have everyone in stitches with laughter. One of Pete's favourite stories on our trips was when he wound me up so much and said your just like your dad, I stormed off saying I'm not, in a teenage strop, then 2 minutes later I returned and Pete said oh your back, I said yer I forgot my coat. Well we all just cracked up with laughter. He said you are definitely Kennys son. I have endless stories with Peter working on building sites, mostly me working hard whilst he stood by the mixer watching me and telling me stories. It was the first time I had ever seen someone plaster sitting down when I worked with Pete. I would have Peter moaning about my dad in one ear then take the plaster to my dad who would be moaning about Peter in the other. As much as they tried to deny it we all knew they loved each other and Pete told me a few weeks before he left us that my dad was a great man and I said jokingly, wow you must be sick. Even in the darkest times he's amazing personality and humour remained the same. I can't believe I will never see you again, I'm glad I got to speak to you and tell you how much you meant to me and my family before you left to tell your stories upstairs. RIP uncle Peter X X X